Exchange OP (Optimism) at the Best Rate

Hi, it’s Rabbit 🐰 Instantly exchange Optimism for any of 8133 digital assets. Start your swap with one click. Support is available 24/7. No sign-up, no limits, no bullshit.
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How to exchange OP on Rabbit?

Using Rabbit Swap is easy and straightforward. Below, you’ll find all the steps you need to swap your Optimism.

Swap OP Without Losing

With Rabbit Swap, you always get more for your Optimism. The algorithm constantly analyzes OP prices from various liquidity sources based on the amount you’re exchanging and the pair you select, creating the most profitable exchange path behind the scenes. You simply get the best OP price every time. You don’t need to worry about how to exchange OP to another coin that doesn’t have a direct pair on major exchanges. With Rabbit Swap, you can exchange your Optimism directly for any of 8133 coins.

Exchange OP Without Limits

Rabbit Swap lets you exchange as little or as much OP as you’d like - no limits at all. I’m connected to a broad network of liquidity providers, helping prevent price drops, even on large swaps with low-liquidity assets. Using advanced algorithms, I’ll make sure your Optimism swap is smoothly distributed across different sources, so you always get the best possible rate, no matter the amount you’re exchanging. And if you just want to swap a tiny amount of OP, no problem - it’s easier than ever with Rabbit Swap.

Why exchange OP with Rabbit Swap?

Rabbit Swap is designed to make OP swap cost-effective, secure, fast, and as easy as sending a text.

Here is a list of all coins you can swap OP to

What is Optimism?

Optimism (OP) is a Layer 2 scaling solution for the Ethereum blockchain, launched in 2021. It was created to address the scalability issues of Ethereum by providing faster and cheaper transactions while maintaining the security and decentralization of the main Ethereum network. Optimism achieves this by using optimistic rollups, a technology that processes transactions off-chain and only submits the final result to the Ethereum blockchain. This approach significantly reduces congestion and lowers gas fees, making Ethereum more accessible to a broader audience. The OP token is used within the Optimism ecosystem to pay for transaction fees and incentivize network participants. Users can bridge their assets from Ethereum to Optimism, enabling them to enjoy quicker transaction times and lower costs. Developers can also benefit from Optimism by deploying their decentralized applications (dApps) on this Layer 2 solution, offering their users a more seamless experience. As Ethereum continues to evolve, solutions like Optimism play a crucial role in ensuring its scalability and usability for future growth.

Optimism (OP) Market Data

Last updated at

OP Volume in 24h


Minimum & Maximum Price in 24h



OP Price & Change in 24h


Coin Rank


Circulating Supply


OP Market Cap


Based on market data analysis as of , Optimism has been in a downtrend over the past month, losing its value by -13.97556398715278%. In the last 24 hours it had -3.752749764980763% loss in value. Above is the key market data for OP, updated every 10 minutes.
