Cryptocurrency Exchange Made Easy

Hi, it’s Rabbit 🐰 Swap 8495 cryptocurrencies in one click with the best rates. No sign-up. No limits. No bullshit.
Floating rate
Fixed rate
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Enter the amount to swap

ETH recipient address

How to exchange crypto with Rabbit Swap?

Using Rabbit Swap crypto exchange is easy and straightforward. Below, you can find all the steps you need to take to swap your coins.

Best Rates Possible

Rabbit Swap uses a unique algorithm that dynamically compares rates from various liquidity providers, selecting the lowest one to ensure your cryptocurrency swap always happens at the most profitable rates. Let me know if you find better rates elsewhere.



Excellent. Quick and easy swap at a good price


Dan Stevens


Quite a solid selection of cryptocurrencies, I have made an exchange ETH to Usdt a few times so it's been smooth and quick took about 5 minutes. Recommend it for those who are looking for a fast exchange and no KYC.


Javid Zarei


As someone with moderate crypto experience, I've tried numerous swap services over the years. Often, I encounter overly complex interfaces, hidden fees, and mandatory account creation. Rabbit Swap is a breath of fresh air. Their focus on simplicity is a major win. The swap process is streamlined into a few intuitive steps – choose your coins, enter your wallet address, send, and receive. No unnecessary bells and whistles. I especially appreciate the lack of sign-up requirements. This saves me time and reinforces my sense of control over my assets. It's clear that Rabbit values efficiency and respecting user choice. A rare and welcome approach in the crypto space.

Read more on Trustpilot

What Are People Saying About Rabbit?

Yup, there aren’t a ton of reviews yet, probably because I launched not too long ago and spent most of my time on development, not marketing. But hey, I’m proud to say they’re all good ones! Feel free to drop a review too - it’d mean a lot.

There are No Limits

Having various liquidity providers also enables Rabbit Swap to offer a wide range of limits. You can exchange very small amounts as well as almost infinitely large ones. The best part is that it also prevents price drops when exchanging large amounts of low-liquidity assets. I’ll make sure to distribute the swap through different liquidity sources so you can still get the best possible price.

So, What Makes Rabbit Different?

Rabbit Swap is designed to make the crypto swap process cost-effective, secure, fast, and as easy as sending a text message.

Recent Swaps in Real Time

Every day, hundreds of people are already choosing to exchange coins with Rabbit Swap.

Here Are Some Stats I’m Proud Of

Hoping to make these numbers 10x better by the end of 2025. We’ll see!
Launched in


Average support response time

< 1 minute



Coins available


Average swap time

~ 2 minutes

Average profit



Exchange Independently

While most people conduct crypto swaps through various trading platforms, thereby entrusting their assets to these platforms, it is actually much safer to use independent exchange services such as Rabbit Swap. By doing so, you can still store your coins in secure, non-custodial wallets while performing your exchanges. This approach ensures that no one can ban or restrict your account, seize control of your coins, and ensures that the next FTX will not get away with all your coins, nor will you be affected if the SEC bans another of your favorite trading services.
Start Swap